A mans worth is determined by how much truth he can tolerate

↓ What Elon Musk’s driving force is ↓

The Matrix Explained!

↓ The road to becoming the Baddest Mothrfucker ↓

What the superior man seeks is in himself
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage
Step into the fire of selfdiscovery
The best way to keep prisoners from escaping
The best way to keep prisoners from escaping
The power of the mind

↓ Powerful Insight On The Human Program ↓

↓ Get rid of your self-limiting doubt ↓

↓ The Subconscious Program That Is Holding You Back ↓

You either control your mind or it controls you
No man is free who is not master of himself
Reality is created by the mind
I am a product of my decisions
I am a product of my decisions

↓ The Pain On The Road To Success, or The Pain of Being Haunted with Regret? ↓

I am a product of my decisions
I am a product of my decisions
The quiet voice of your inner wisdom
Make yourself strong
Make yourself strong
Make yourself strong
Make yourself strong

↓ Do you have free will? – Neuroscientist P.O.V ↓

Make yourself strong
Make yourself strong
Make yourself strong
Make yourself strong
Make yourself strong
Make yourself strong
Make yourself strong

↓ “They Say Most People Die Before 25 But Are Buried At 75” ↓

I am a product of my decisions

↓ Must Watch ↓

↓ Art Is The Lie That Reveals The Truth ↓